Wednesday, May 28, 2014

40 winks after work

I realized this morning that I missed two posts this week because of late nights and travelling and tonight I fear the same thing may happen so, to prevent that, I am posting early.  You ever get the sleepy midday feeling after a big lunch?  That's kinda what I have right now.  I want to say something profound, perhaps about the importnatce of the Ascension or the Pope's recent visit to the Holy Land but I'm just durn tired right now. 

I've been very blessed this week to have some part time work.  It's the first work I've had in several months and I've found I'm getting pretty exhausted by the end of the day.  That's a good thing, but I'm even more tired today on my day off.  Partially the muggy dawn of summer is to blame but there's something to be said about work and exhaustion. 

Very often, people who have high stress jobs or exceedingly long commutes can go into a zombie like state once they are done working.  They cannot process anything because their mind and body have been moving too fast all day.  That's completely understandable but also a shame.  Their families never get to see them at their peak state that makes them so productive during the workday.  And at the same time unemployment can rob you of your energy and make you feel worth less than you are.  

The key thing is to work to live not live to work.  We should love our jobs and be ambitious and try and make as much progress in our days as we can.  But what is more important is the whole of your life- not just what you do but also who you are, how you love, etc.  

o as I'm tired today, feeling still very lethargically unemployed I pray to God that I remember the truth- that I am a person, created and loved by God the Almighty Father. 

May the Holy Spirit grant us who are tired in mind, spirit and body a refreshing new spring of energy today and help us remember that our true vocation is to love God and one another and our work should be one of many expressions of that work.  


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