Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Stress and Unproductivity

Tonight will regrettably be another short post.  I've had an exceedingly stressful last half of the day and I've noticed a trend in my life that any time something good, fruitful, or productive starts to happen, an immediate wave of unrepentant and unnecessary stress swoops in.  It feels almost supernatural how circumstances chance on a whim and can knock you down on your butt even on your best day.

I think this daily challenge is what really separates us from the saints.  We sometimes say that people have to have the patience of a saint and tonight I definitely failed in that. But what makes a saint more patient? Because they know that in the end, Jesus has won.  Whatever little stress or temptation, it's already been defeated. Our Easter hymn of Alleluia is a victory song over all of those forces.  And devil knows that.  He wants to prevent us from accomplishing what God has planned for us and the world sometimes seems as though it purposefully conspires against us to keep us down, make us depressed, turn us to sin.

But, even on the worst of nights, we need to turn and praise God, and ask Him to make us saints because only through His grace can we become who we're meant to be.

None of the other stuff really matters.  Thank God for your life, for all the good things in it.  Thank God that you suck at whatever it is you suck at, and ask for His help to be better.  He will give you tomorrow that little extra grace to make the small change you need to for His sake.  Try a little harder tomorrow and He will give You everything you need, always and unconditionally.

God love you!


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