What joy would we have if we saw the resurrected Lord for the first time? How greater still the joy for the second reappearance ensuring our minds without a doubt this is true?
Perhaps Peter was doubting the true resurrection when he told the other apostles he was going fishing? Or maybe he simply didn't know what to do yet. He hadn't yet received the Holy Spirit on Pentecost and so maybe, without Christ physically present to follow he had no idea what to do except go back to fish old livelihood, fishing.
And as the leader of the apostles the others follow him. Several other apostles are in the boat with him when they hear a cry from the shore, "Children have you caught anything?"
That should've been there first clue this dude about the sand isn't your average beach bum. Usually one doesn't call a group of 30-40 year olds children unless the person is really old. And even then, they'd be more likely to say "youngin" or "whippersnapper" than Children. This is a father calling and, like a good father, he gives them advice and takes them fishing.
They cast te net off to the side as He says and soon the net is so full they cannot even reel it in. John is the first to say that it is The Lord, just as he testified to Jesus' resurrection by arriving at the tomb. But in an effort not to lose another race, Peter jumps into the water and speeds off.
Peter may look pretty silly doing this since they're only a hundred feet from shore, but his love for Jesus is so fierce that he cannot contain his joy. He gladly will look the fool to get closer to Christ! And him diving in the water is almost a sacramental reminder of baptism, he dives in the water with his eyes on Jesus, full of faith and vigor.
When the other apostles arrive on shore Jesus asks them to bring their catch to Him and Peter alone drags the net of 153 fish to The Lord. He really must have been working out since John beat him in the foot race because 153 edible fish has got to be heavy! (I'm not ichtiologist but I have read One fish two fish red fish blue fish a few times).
But it is at Christ's command he leaps into action! Peter's joy is to do the Lord's will and his enthusiasm and strength is an inspiring show of love.
As we prep to canonize John XXIII and JPII this weekend, let us look back even further to Peter, asking in the glow of the miracle and mystery of Easter, and pray for all three of these great pope's intercession
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